eLearning & lecture
With our eLearning-Website, we would like to introduce to you the topics of surgery. In addition to general and visceral surgery, topics of pediatric and vascular surgery are in preparation as well as trauma surgery.
By adding multiple interactive examples, systematic overviews and or-videos, we hope to show you our passion for surgery. MySurgery.de is a complimentary service to the surgical lecture and the bed-side-teaching. According to your feedback however, we learned, that you use our site as well for exam preparation and in your daily routine as a student or a resident.
We're always happy about feedback and entries in our guestbook. Don't hesitate to contact us to tell you hove you came across mySurgery.der and how you use it in your daily routine.
Yours sincerely,
Univ.-Prof. Dr. C. – T. Germer
Dr. A. Wierlemann

New Feature
With support and funding from the medical faculty Würzburg, we were able to get mySurgery.de professionally translated. With the language selector in the top-menu, you can switch between german and englisch language.

What ist the hardest part of all?
To see with the eye, what lies in front of the eye...
– J. W. v. Goethe
Coming soon...trauma surgery
trauma surgery content is in preparation. Stay tuned.